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IELTS Reading Test 4 section 2 - IELTS Simulation Test - Bài dịch Giving information and advice about further study IELTS listening

Giving information and advice about further study IELTS listening

Are you thinking about further study? Well, listen to this before you make a decision. It will help you decide if going on to tertiary study is right for you and it will help you make good decisions for the right reasons. It includes information about student life, what it will cost and the different ways you can support yourself.
Bạn có đang nghĩ đến việc học lên cao không? Vâng, hãy lắng nghe điều này trước khi bạn đưa ra quyết định. Nó sẽ giúp bạn quyết định xem học lên đại học có phù hợp với bạn không và giúp bạn đưa ra các quyết định đúng đắn với những lý do chính đáng. Thông tin này bao gồm cuộc sống sinh viên, chi phí cần thiết và các cách khác nhau để bạn có thể tự nuôi sống bản thân.


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What should you think about first? Well, obviously you're thinking about tertiary study and it's one of the biggest decisions you'll make in your life - what you decide now will affect the rest of your life. It's the last year of high school for most of you and you're busy and under pressure. Perhaps you're thinking of going abroad, getting a job, or working for just a year or two to save some money before getting back to study.

Let's assume you're choosing to continue studying next year. It's important that you set yourself goals and plan how you're going to achieve them. First off, career goals: What career do you want to pursue or what is it your parents want you to do? Then, you need to think about employment opportunities at the end of your study. Will your qualification assist you in finding a rewarding job? Thirdly, course selection - exactly what qualifications will you need: for instance, a degree, a diploma or something else? Now, we're down to study goals - the number of papers you can study at a time and what sort of grades you would like to attain.

Now, how do you make all that happen? You might feel overwhelmed by all the choices but there are people and agencies to help: Career Services is a great website with lots of useful information and a search tool for finding courses and providers throughout the country. Then there are the tertiary education institutions themselves - universities and institutes of technology, for example, have comprehensive information on their particular websites. You can find out most anything there. Many campuses have a Student Support Association and they can tell you a lot about what to expect. Don't be afraid to ask them anything - I'm sure they've heard it all before. It might also be worthwhile to make enquiries with potential employers to see if they will fund, or partially fund, your studies. If it is a trade you want to learn, the Apprenticeship Scheme will help you earn while you learn. That way you'll get valuable work experience while you're studying. If you're still at school, then search out your School Careers Advisor who will have a variety of information and resources at hand and be able to give you the kind of guidance you need to make a fully informed decision; and last but not least, don't forget your parents and other family members! They can be of enormous help, too. Oh, one last thing that might help you make up your mind: have you thought of applying for a scholarship? Some embassies, governments and individual institutions offer scholarships to cover part or all of your study fees. Most large libraries have a comprehensive catalogue of the various grants, awards and scholarships that are available.

Câu hỏi Giving information and advice about further study

Questions 11-14

Complete the summary below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

After high school some people travel, find a (an) 11 .................. or take on temporary work to save money for further education.
If you decide to go straight on to more study, to start with you should think about your 12 .................. .
You'll also need to consider whether your 13 .................. will help you eventually get a good job. After course selection, you should decide on study goals: how many papers to take and what 14 .................. you want to achieve.

Questions 15-20

Where would you go for information or resources?
Write the correct letter, A, B, or C next to questions 15-20.

Afrom an Internet website
Bin the form of personal advice or guidance
Con the availability of financial assistance
  1. Higher Education Providers
  2. Apprenticeship Scheme
  3. School Careers Advisor
  4. Career Services
  5. Student Support Association
  6. Libraries

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Questions 11-20
11. job
12. career goals
13. qualification(s)
14. grades
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C