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IELTS Reading Test 4 section 1 - IELTS Simulation Test - Bài dịch Request for commercial lease IELTS listening

Request for commercial lease IELTS listening

AGENT: Ah, good morning, Mr Rich, isn't it?
Chào buổi sáng, anh Rich, phải không?
MR RICH: That's right; Raymond Rich of ICT Industries.
Đúng rồi; Raymond Rich từ công ty ICT Industries.
AGENT: ICT Industries. Just a moment while I put that on the form.
ICT Industries. Đợi chút nhé, để tôi ghi vào biểu mẫu.
AGENT: Now, you're looking for new office space, is that right?
Bây giờ, bạn đang tìm không gian văn phòng mới, đúng không?
MR RICH: Yes, our present lease is due to expire soon and as the company is expanding anyway we need to find somewhere to move to.
Đúng vậy, hợp đồng thuê hiện tại của chúng tôi sắp hết hạn và vì công ty cũng đang mở rộng, chúng tôi cần tìm một nơi nào đó để chuyển đến.
AGENT: Do you prefer the suburbs, the city or a commercial zone on the outskirts?
Bạn thích ngoại ô, trung tâm thành phố, hay khu vực thương mại ở vùng ven?


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MR RICH: Well, currently we're in a very pleasant suburb but as I said we've outgrown that building. As we've got to move anyway, I think the city centre is where we want to be - right in the heart of things.
AGENT: I see, anywhere in particular?
MR RICH: Yes, somewhere in the vicinity of the main transport centre because I have a large staff and car-parking in the city is terribly expensive. I think it would be a good idea if we didn't use our cars at all.
AGENT: Exactly what size premises are you looking for?
MR RICH: Good question. Something more than the 10,000 square metres we have at present should do it.
AGENT: Shall we say... 12,000 square metres?
MR RICH: That's probably about right. Yes, I think that would meet our needs.
AGENT: Just how many employees do you have to accommodate?
MR RICH: Forty in all. But only fourteen will have their own offices. The rest will be in open-plan shared offices.
AGENT: Oh, I forgot to ask - do any of your employees have extra requirements? Will we need to consider people with disabilities?
MR RICH: Yes, actually, there is one in a wheelchair who'll need suitable access and another who can walk just a few paces - she uses a mobility scooter, so we'd need to make sure all facilities, especially toilet facilities, were suitable and accessible and we'd also need to be either on the ground floor or to find a secure place by the lifts for Mrs Jackson to park her scooter.
AGENT: I'll need to keep that in mind when I come up with property for you to look at. Now, when are you thinking of moving?
MR RICH: Well, our current lease expires in August so we'd like to have the move completed by then of course.
AGENT: Well, there is a very suitable property that I have in mind here in the city but the owners want a lease signed by the end of this month, May.
MR RICH: Ooh, too early I'm afraid. I'd be ready to sign up by the end of June though.
AGENT: Shall we say signed up by the 1st of July and moved by the end of that month?
MR RICH: Definitely

AGENT: Well, I'll keep your requirements in mind and let you know when something comes up. Wait a minute... there is vacant office space on the tenth floor of this very building. Would you care to take a look? It has only just become available but I haven't started marketing it yet because it's in need of a bit of a makeover. The floor area is about the right size...
MR RICH: Good, let's see it then.
AGENT: Well, what do you think? Elevator access is great and the lobby area is roomy enough for that disability vehicle you were telling me about.
MR RICH: Oh, I don't know, there are too many small offices. Would we be able to take out a few of these walls and make bigger work areas?
AGENT: I don't see why not - most of them are just partitions - obviously load-bearing walls can't be touched but there aren't many of those to worry about.
MR RICH: What about kitchen and dining facilities? We like our staff to feel comfortable eating at work - if they go out for lunch, it often leads to extended lunch hours and lost time.
AGENT: Come this way—this is the kitchen.
MR RICH: Oh, it's a bit poky; we'd need to enlarge it somehow. What's behind the wall here?
AGENT: That's just a storeroom. You could take out that wall and expand into that space.
MR RICH: Then what would we do for a storeroom?
AGENT: Ah, well, see that tiny office near the entrance? It has no external windows or natural light - it would make an ideal storeroom.
MR RICH: Yes, you're right. The whole place is a bit dilapidated - obviously in need of that redecoration you were talking about - and I don't just mean a coat of new paint. I think all the light fittings would have to be modernized, those broken blinds have to be replaced and this old blue carpet definitely has to go.
AGENT: I agree. That's something we can negotiate with the owner. But...overall, do you think it would fit your requirements?
MR RICH: Well, you haven't given me any indication of what the lease would cost but before we get into that, what are the terms of the lease concerning length of tenancy?
AGENT: Well, generally in the city leases are never less than three years.
MR RICH: Oh? I mean we don't mind signing up for that period of time initially but we don't necessarily want to have to move after that - we've been in our last place for ten years, you know.
AGENT: Well, the usual agreement is a three by three by two - that's a contract for three years with entitlement to extension for three years and then another two years after that. But let me speak to the owner first.
MR RICH: Mmm...and one more thing: we have to consider the time frame - remember my current lease is due to expire in August.
AGENT: Well, with reliable contractors, it shouldn't take more than a couple of months to do the necessary refit...

Câu hỏi Request for commercial lease

Questions 1-6

Complete the form below.


Name:Mr R. Rich
Company:ICT Industries
Preferred location:1 ........................
Near:2 ........................
Size:3 ........................
Number of staff:4 ........................
Special needs:5 ........................ access parking for mobility scooter
Moving date:during month of 6 ........................

Questions 7-10

Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


  • Good lift access
  • Large lobby
  • Removal of some 7 ........................
  • 8 ........................ too small—make bigger
  • Change office near entry to storeroom
  • New:
    • paintwork
    • lights
    • blinds
    • 9 ........................
  • Minimum length of lease 10 ........................ (with right of renewal)

Đáp án

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Questions 1-10

  1. city centre
  2. transport centre
  3. 12,000 sq(uare) m(etres)
  4. forty/40
  5. wheelchair
  6. July
  7. walls/partitions
  8. kitchen
  9. carpet
  10. 3/three years/yrs