IELTS Reading Test 3 section 1 - IELTS Simulation Test - Bài dịch Waiting at the airport IELTS listening
Waiting at the airport IELTS listening
THOMAS: Where have you been, Nadia?
(Em đã ở đâu thế, Nadia?)
NADIA: Browsing in the bookshop.
(Em đang dạo quanh tiệm sách.)
THOMAS: What took you so long? You said you were only going to be away 5 minutes.
(Sao em đi lâu thế? Em nói chỉ đi khoảng 5 phút thôi mà.)
NADIA: I was only gone for a quarter of an hour.
(Em chỉ đi khoảng 15 phút thôi mà.)
THOMAS: Well, it seemed much longer than that. Did you buy anything?
(Ờ, có vẻ lâu hơn thế nhiều. Em đã mua gì chưa?)
NADIA: I was tempted to get the latest novel by Dan Brown but it's quite heavy and I'd have to carry it around with me. If I could have found a crossword puzzle book, I'd have bought it; but in the end I was attracted to a front-page article in today's issue of the New York Times.
(Em đã định mua cuốn tiểu thuyết mới nhất của Dan Brown, nhưng nó khá nặng và em phải mang theo bên mình. Nếu em tìm thấy cuốn sách giải ô chữ, em đã mua rồi; nhưng cuối cùng em lại bị thu hút bởi một bài báo trên trang nhất của tờ New York Times số ra hôm nay.)
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THOMAS: Is that all you bought then?
NADIA: Yes. Look, why don't you read the business section while I catch up on the news and then we can swap.
THOMAS: I'd rather have the entertainment section.
NADIA: Are you looking for anything in particular?
THOMAS: I just thought they might have a review in there of that new play that opened on Broadway yesterday.
NADIA: The drama about that awfully cruel pirate?
THOMAS: Oh, I'd forgotten about that, mmm, I wonder how good it is...actually I was thinking of the new comedy...the one about...the physician.
NADIA: Doctor Hunter.
THOMAS: That's the one.
NADIA: Well, when I was in the bookshop I overheard a couple talking about it and they said it was fantastic—not in the least bit boring. They especially liked the actor who played the main part—very smooth, apparently.
THOMAS: Lots of fun, then?
NADIA: Well, according to those two they thought it was hilarious.
THOMAS: Ooh, we'll have to make a point of seeing it when we get back.
NADIA: Definitely.
THOMAS: We didn't have time for breakfast and I'm hungry. Do you fancy a coffee and a muffin?
NADIA: Sounds like a good idea.
THOMAS: And how will you have your coffee today? Long and black as usual?
NADIA: I think I might have something different this morning.
THOMAS: What? You don't mean a fiat white or some other milky one?
NADIA: Oh, I don't know, I want something to perk me up.
THOMAS: An espresso? Short and black with sugar?
NADIA: Perfect!
THOMAS: Will that be with a chocolate muffin or a berry muffin?
NADIA: I'll try to stay off chocolate— the berry sounds healthier.
THOMAS: And I'll have a plain one with butter. Won't be long...
THOMAS: Here you are. Mind the coffee, it's really hot.
NADIA: Thank you. I'm really ready for this.
THOMAS: Have you thought about what we should see when we get to London?
NADIA: The Tower, of course . I've always wanted to get a look at the Crown Jewels. That is where they keep the jewels, isn't it?
THOMAS: I think so. And, what about the Wheel? I hear it's quite extraordinary.
NADIA: I'm not that keen on the wheel . Do you want to ride on it?
THOMAS: No way.
NADIA: Well, let's leave it out of the itinerary then.
THOMAS: Okay. So, do we do the Tower first?
NADIA: Yes, that's the idea. And then we absolutely have to go to Westminster.
THOMAS: Really?
NADIA: Yes. Look, it's not going to cost us anything and I promised my sister I'd take photos there.
THOMAS: Well, if you insist.
NADIA: I do. Oh, did you know the British Museum is free to the public? Not just residents but tourists as well?
THOMAS: Well, I did know that but I was hoping we wouldn't have to spend time in any museums—we've only got three days in all and it'll take at least one whole day to go through the museum.
NADIA: Well, let's say we leave it till day three and see how you feel then?
THOMAS: Okay, I can't argue with that.
NADIA: And Buckingham Palace?
THOMAS: I suppose you've promised lots of photos of that as well have you?
NADIA: Well, no, not really, but we can't say we've been to London and haven't seen the Queen's palace!
THOMAS: I guess not and there's the added benefit that it won't cost anything as well.
NADIA: Oh, Thomas. It's not that I'm afraid of spending money; it's just that I want to see all the traditional sights first.
THOMAS: Good. I'm glad that's sorted. Listen, I think they just called our flight.
Câu hỏi Waiting at the airport
Questions 1-5
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
How long was Nadia away?
A. five minutes
B. fifteen minutes
C. forty-five minutes
(B) fifteen minutes
What did Nadia buy at the bookshop?
A. a newspaper
B. a novel
C. crossword puzzles -
Thomas is interested in the play about
A. a hunter.
B. a pirate.
C. a doctor. -
The couple in the bookshop were discussing
A. a funny play.
B. a smooth play.
C. a boring play. -
How does Nadia want her coffee?
A. sweet and black
B. with milk
C. black with no sugar -
What kind of muffin does Nadia want?
A. plain
B. berry
C. chocolate
Questions 6-10
How likely are Thomas and Nadia to visit the following attractions?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to questions 6-10.
A they will definitely visit
B they might visit
C they will not visit
- the Tower of London
- the Wheel
- Westminster
- the British Museum
- Buckingham Palace
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SECTION 1, Questions 1-10
- A
- C
- A
- A
- B
- A
- C
- A
- B
- A