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IELTS Reading Test 2 section 1 - IELTS Simulation Test - Bài dịch Tauber Insurance Company IELTS listening

Tauber Insurance Company IELTS listening

MAN: Good morning. Tauber Insurance Company. How can I help you?
(Chào buổi sáng. Công ty bảo hiểm Tauber. Tôi có thể giúp gì cho bạn?)
WOMAN: Good morning. I want to alter my insurance policy.
(Chào buổi sáng. Tôi muốn thay đổi hợp đồng bảo hiểm của mình.)
MAN: Is that for your house, contents, or vehicle?
(Đó là bảo hiểm cho nhà, nội thất, hay xe của bạn?)
WOMAN: My vehicle.
(Xe của tôi.)
MAN: Can you give me the number of the policy please?
(Bạn có thể cho tôi số hợp đồng bảo hiểm được không?)


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WOMAN: Certainly, I have it here in front of me. It's ZQW5009.
MAN: And what make and model of car is it?
WOMAN: It's a Masda...a Masda Marvel.
MAN: And what's the cc rating?
WOMAN: Sorry? What do you mean?
MAN: How big is the engine? Is it 1500 or 1800 cc, for example?
WOMAN: Oh's actually much bigger than that: it's 2500 cc.
MAN: Thank you. Now I just have to ask you a few questions to verify your identity. What name is the policy under?
WOMAN: Heathcote.
MAN: Let me just bring that up on the computer. Yes, can I just confirm your first name, please?
WOMAN: Well, my first name is Lisa but I'm known by my middle name—Marie.
MAN: Right. I see both here but Lisa is the one I want for ID purposes. And your date of birth, Lisa?...I mean, Marie.
WOMAN: The twenty-second of August, 1955.
MAN: Correct. Just one more question before we get started—can you remember the password on this policy?
WOMAN: Oh, dear. I didn't know I had a password on it.
MAN: Everyone has a password. Would you like to take a guess?
WOMAN: Possibly it's my mother's name...
MAN: And what would that be?
WOMAN: Sophia.
MAN: Sorry, guess again.
WOMAN: Alright...Oh, I remember now, it's my grandfather's name, Jack.
MAN: Yes, followed by some numbers...
WOMAN: 1897 —right?
MAN: Correct. Now we can get down to business. What exactly do you want to change?
WOMAN: Well, a couple of things. Firstly, I think it's overvalued at the moment. Can we reduce the value by $5,000.
MAN: You mean, bring it down to $15,000?
WOMAN: Yes, I'm sure it's lost quite a bit of value over the past year.
MAN: Done. Now, what's the other thing?


WOMAN: Well, I want to add the name of another driver to my insurance policy.
MAN: Who is it?
WOMAN: His name is Samuel Michaels.
MAN: He doesn't have the same family name as you?
WOMAN: No, he doesn't. Is that a problem?
MAN: No, it shouldn't be, as long as he's over the age of 25, but we find it easier to get approval for family members.
WOMAN: Oh, he is family...he's married to my daughter. He's my son-in-law . And he's 28 in fact.
MAN: Good—and what would he be using the car for? Would it be business or social purposes?
WOMAN: Not see, I've injured my right arm and I'm having difficulty driving (it's not an automatic—I have to use the gear stick) and Sam, that is Samuel, offered to drive me to my appointments and so on. He's a good driver and I feel safe with him but I'd like to know that the car is still insured with him behind the wheel.
MAN: So that would be... family reasons, then?
WOMAN: Yes, I think so. Will my premium go up?
MAN: No—as long as you can provide us with a photocopy of his driver's licence—a true copy—you know what I mean—you'll have to get someone from the Department of Transport to sign it saying that he's seen the original document.
WOMAN: I think we can manage that without any difficulty.
MAN: Oh, and while he's at the Department, he should ask them for a record of any driving offences, demerit points, that kind of thing, only for the last five years though. We're not interested in anything beyond that but it's important that he has a clean record for the five previous years.
WOMAN: Oh, I'm sure that won't be a problem. Is there anything else you need?
MAN: Just the date for when you'd like this to take effect.
WOMAN: Today, if that's possible.
MAN: Yes, we can issue temporary cover from today's date but full cover won't apply until we've received the paperwork and it's been approved.
WOMAN: What exactly is 'temporary'?
MAN: He'll be covered for two full weeks but it will lapse after that time if there's any problem with his credentials.

Câu hỏi Tauber Insurance Company

Questions 1-5

Complete the form below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Insurance type:vehicle
  1. Policy #: 1....................

  2. Make & Model: Masda Marvel

  3. Engine size: 2....................

  4. Name: Lisa Marie Heathcote

  5. Date of Birth: 3.................... 1955

  6. Password: 4....................

  7. Change valuation?

    • Yes ☑️
    • No
  8. Reduce value to: 5 $ ....................

Questions 6-10

Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Notes to be added to policy:

  • Add new driver:

    • Name: Samuel Michaels
    • Age: 28
    • Relationship to main driver: 6....................
  • Reason:

  • Client/new driver to provide:

    • Verified 8.................... of driver's licence
    • Clean driving 9....................
  • Start date:

    • 10.................... cover for 2 weeks from today
    • Full cover when paperwork approved

Đáp án

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SECTION 1, Questions 1-10

  1. ZQW5009
  2. 2500 cc
  3. 22nd (of) August / August 22nd / 22 August / August 22 / 22-(0)8
  4. Jack 1897
  5. 15,000
  6. son-in-law
  7. family
  8. (photo)copy
  9. record
  10. temporary