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Test 4 section 2

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Section 2 Question 15-27

Questions 22-27

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 22-27 on your answer sheet.

The work of plumbers

Type of plumberWork-related issuesSkills/Actions needed
Residential- Working underfloor in a 22......................... area
- Dealing with a wood product
- Plan carefully
- Always use the appropriate 23......................... for each tool
- Consider how different 24......................... will be affected
Commercial- Working with advanced equipment designed for integrated systems- Fully comprehend instructions
- Take images of structures to locate important materials like 25.........................
Service- Diagnosing problems and their causes
- Fully understanding something someone else installed, e.g., a shower unit
- Providing quick, 26......................... solutions
- Deal well with people who have a lot of 27......................... or disruption as a result of their problems

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Section 2, Questions 22-27

22   narrow
23   cutting chart
24   tradespeople
25   (reinforcing) steel
26   cost-effective
27   inconvenience