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Test 3 section 2

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section 2 Question 15-27

Questions 15-21

Complete the flowchart below.

Choose ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

Raising a grievance at work

Ask to see your immediate manager on an 15........................... basis.
If not satisfied, find details of your company's grievance procedure.
This may be in a handbook, a 16........................... or on an intranet site.
Write to your employer with details of your complaint.
You may also suggest a 17........................... .
Make sure there is a date on your letter and keep a copy.
Your employer should hold a meeting.
You have the right to be accompanied by a 18........................... or a trade union representative.
Your employer should then inform you of the decision in writing.
If you are not happy with the decision, you can appeal in writing.
Your employer should then arrange a further meeting.
Where possible, this should be led by a manager who is 19........................... to the previous one.
If you are still not happy with the decision, you can
- think about the possibility of 20........................... .
- make an employment tribunal claim. This must be done within 21........................... of the date of the event.

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Section 2, Questions 15-21

15   informal
16   manual
17   solution
18   colleague
19   senior
20   mediation
21   3 / three months