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Test 2 section 3

Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 2 section 3 - IELTS Cambridge 17 - The story of the Fosbury Flop Reading answers


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Section 3 Question 28-40

Questions 28-32

The text on pages 48 and 49 has seven sections, A-G.

Which section mentions the following?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

28   a suggestion that Fosbury should change his way of jumping
29   a reference to an opportunity offered to Fosbury that made him feel honoured
30   a reference to the fact that Fosbury was a very influential high jumper
31   conflicting explanations given by Fosbury for the way the idea for the Fosbury Flop began
32   a reference to a time when Fosbury was dissatisfied with his athletic performance

Questions 33-36

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

White the correct letter in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

33   When interviewed about his development of the Fosbury Flop, Dick Fosbury

A   always insisted that he had carefully designed it on scientific principles.
B   said he wanted to develop a technique that only he could use.
C   claimed it was inspired by an injury he suffered while making a jump.
D   stated that it had been done gradually without any overall plan.

34   Fosbury achieved a sudden improvement in the height he could jump when he

A   A started to adapt the 'scissors' technique.
B   became much more determined to win competitions.
C   decided to abandon the 'scissors' technique.
D   found a new way of using the 'belly roll' style.

35   When describing the way that Fosbury's jump evolved, Richard Hoffer stressed that

A   Fosbury's height slowed down his progress.
B   the process was more controlled than it appeared.
C   Fosbury was not really aware of his own technique.
D   the process included specialist input from engineers.

36   Fosbury defended his idea that his style of jumping was 'natural' by pointing out that

A   it was achievable by younger jumpers.
B   it was copied successfully by other athletes.
C   it was achievable without any special training.
D   it was independently discovered by other athletes.

Questions 37-40

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

How the Fosbury Flop got its name

When first interviewed, Fosbury called his jumping style a 37..............................., but he realised that this had not made an impression on the 38............................... . In his next interview, he used a name taken from the description given to a newspaper photo - and this was the name that everyone noted. He says the name was appropriate because his town is near a 39............................... and a 40............................... does a similar type of 'flopping' movement when brought to land.

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Section 3, Questions 28-40

28   C
29   G
30   A
31   B
32   C
33   D
34   A
35   B
36   D
37   back layout
38   journalist
39   river
40   fish