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Test 4 Part 4

Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 4 part 4 - IELTS Cambridge 17 - Maple syrup listening answer


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PART 4 Question 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Maple syrup

What is maple syrup?

  • made from the sap of the maple tree
  • added to food or used in cooking
  • colour described as 31..............................
  • very 32.............................. compared to refined sugar

The maple tree

  • has many species
  • needs sunny days and cool nights
  • maple leaf has been on the Canadian flag since 1964
  • needs moist soil but does not need fertiliser as well
  • best growing conditions and 33.............................. are in Canada and North America

Early maple sugar producers

  • made holes in the tree trunks
  • used hot 34.............................. to heat the sap
  • used tree bark to make containers for collection
  • sweetened food and drink with sugar

Today's maple syrup

The trees

  • Tree trunks may not have the correct 35.............................. until they have been growing for 40 years.
  • The changing temperature and movement of water within the tree produces the sap.

The production

  • A tap is drilled into the trunk and a 36.............................. carries the sap into a bucket.
  • Large pans of sap called evaporators are heated by means of a 37............................. .
  • A lot of 38............................. is produced during the evaporation process.
  • 'Sugar sand' is removed because it makes the syrup look 39............................. and affects the taste.
  • The syrup is ready for use.
  • A huge quantity of sap is needed to make a 40............................. of maple syrup.

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Part 4, Questions 31-40

31   golden
32   healthy
33   climate
34   rock(s)
35   diameter
36   tube
37   fire
38   steam
39   cloudy
40   litre / liter