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Test 3 part 2

Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 3 part 2 - IELTS Cambridge 17 - The before and after school extended hours childcare service


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PART 2 Questions 11-20

Question 11 - 12.

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

11   Which TWO facts are given about the school's extended hours childcare service?

A   It started recently.
B   More children attend after school than before school.
C   An average of 50 children attend in the momings.
D   A child cannot attend both the before and after school sessions.
E   The maximum number of children who can attend is 70.

Question 13 - 15.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

13   How much does childcare cost for a complete afternoon session per child?

A   £3.50
B   £5.70
C   £7.20

14   What does the manager say about food?

A   Children with allergies should bring their own food.
B   Children may bring healthy snacks with them.
C   Children are given a proper meal at 5 p.m.

15   What is different about arrangements in the school holidays?

A   Children from other schools can attend.
B   Older children can attend.
C   A greater number of children can attend.

Question 16 - 20

What information is given about each of the following activities on offer?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 16-20.


A   has limited availability
B   is no longer available
C   is for over 8s only
D   requires help from parents
E   involves an additional fee
F   is a new activity
G   was requested by children

16   Spanish ...................................
17   Music ...................................
18   Painting ...................................
19   Yoga ...................................
20   Cooking ...................................

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Part 2, Questions 11-20

13   C
14   C
15   A
16   E
17   D
18   G
19   F
20   C