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Test 4 part 2

Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 4 part 2 - IELTS Cambridge 17 - High staff turnover


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PART 2 Questions 11-20

Question 11 - 14.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11   Many hotel managers are unaware that their staff often leave because of

A   lack of training.
B   long hours.
C   low pay.

12   What is the impact of high staff turnover on managers?

A   an increased workload
B   low morale
C   an inability to meet targets

13   What mistake should managers always avoid?

A   failing to treat staff equally
B   reorganising shifts without warning
C   neglecting to have enough staff during busy periods

14   What unexpected benefit did Dunwich Hotel notice after improving staff retention rates?

A   fall in customer complaints
B   an increase in loyalty club membership
C   a rise in spending per customer

Question 15 - 20

Which way of reducing staff turnover was used in each of the following hotels?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15-20.

Ways of reducing staff turnover

A   improving relationships and teamwork
B   offering incentives and financial benefits
C   providing career opportunities

15   The Sun Club ...................................
16   The Portland ...................................
17   Bluewater Hotels ...................................
18   Pentlow Hotels ...................................
19   Green Planet ...................................
20   The Amesbury ...................................

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Part 2, Questions 11-20

11   A
12   A
13   A
14   C
15   A
16   C
17   B
18   C
19   B
20   A