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Test 2 section 2

Câu hỏi và đáp án bài reading Test 2 section 2 - IELTS Cambridge 17 - Maintaining a safe environment for employees working on computers reading answers


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section 2 Question 15-27

Questions 15-20

Complete the notes below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.


Desk size should facilitate

  • the flexible arrangement of computer items
  • the easy use of a holder for documents
  • change in the user's 15..............................


Employers should

  • move, soundproof, or separate noisy equipment using 16..............................
  • reduce glare from nearby 17.............................. e.g., using adjustable blinds
  • provide suitable lighting
  • ensure a comfortable temperature
    • check 18.............................. from equipment
    • check air flow and quality in working area

Tasks and breaks

Employees should have

  • a variety of tasks to choose from
  • a fair workload
  • An input into task achievement and 19.............................
  • regular, short breaks, at times of their own 20.............................
  • breaks not located at their workstation

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Section 2, Questions 15-20

15   position
16   partitions
17   windows
18   heat
19   planning
20   choice