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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Tardigrades - IELTS Cambridge 19 - Test 2 part 4

PART 4 Questions 31-40


  • more than 1,000 species, 0.05-1.2 millimetres long
  • also known as water 'bears' (due to how they 31 ..................................) and 'moss piglets'

Physical appearance

  • a 32 .................................. round body and four pairs of legs
  • claws or 33 .................................. for gripping
  • absence of respiratory organs
  • body filled with a liquid that carries both 34 .................................. and blood
  • mouth shaped like a 35 .................................. with teeth called stylets


  • often found at the bottom of a lake or on plants
  • very resilient and can exist in very low or high 36 ..................................


  • In dry conditions, they roll into a ball called a 'tun'.
  • They stay alive with a much lower metabolism than usual.
  • A type of 37 .................................. ensures their DNA is not damaged.
  • Research is underway to find out how many days they can stay alive in 38 ..................................


  • consume liquids, e.g., those found in moss or 39 ..................................
  • may eat other tardigrades

Conservation status

  • They are not considered to be 40 ..................................

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Part 4, Questions 31-40

31   move
32   short
33   discs
34   oxygen
35   tube
36   temperatures
37   protein
38   space
39   seaweed
40   endagnered