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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Bookshop - IELTS Cambridge 19 - Test 4 part 3

PART 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21   Kieran thinks the packing advice given by Jane's grandfather is

A   common sense.
B   hard to follow.
C   over-protective.

22   How does Jane feel about the books her grandfather has given her?

A   They are not worth keeping.
B   They should go to a collector.
C   They have sentimental value for her.

23   Jane and Kieran agree that hardback books should be

A   put out on display.
B   given as gifts to visitors.
C   more attractively designed.

24   While talking about taking a book from a shelf, Jane

A   describes the mistakes other people make doing it.
B   reflects on a significant childhood experience.
C   explains why some books are easier to remove than others.

25   What do Jane and Kieran suggest about new books?

A   Their parents liked buying them as presents.
B   They would like to buy more of them.
C   Not everyone can afford them.

Questions 26-30

Where does Jane's grandfather keep each of the following types of books in his shop?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 26-30.

Location of books

A   near the entrance
B   in the attic
C   at the back of the shop
D   on a high shelf
E   near the stairs
F   in a specially designed space
G   within the café

Types of books
26   rare books........................
27   children's books ........................
28   unwanted books ........................
29   requested books ........................
30   coursebooks ........................

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Part 3, Questions 21-30

21   A
22   C
23   A
24   B
25   C
26   D
27   F
28   A
29   C
30   G