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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading The Unselfish Gene - IELTS Cambridge 19 - Test 4 passage 3

Questions 27-30

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.

27   What is the writer doing in the first paragraph?

A   setting out two opposing views about human nature
B   justifying his opinion about our tendency to be greedy
C   describing a commonly held belief about people's behaviour
D   explaining why he thinks that humans act in a selfish manner

28   What point is made about Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene?

A   Its appeal lay in the radical nature of its ideas.
B   Its success was due to the scientific support it offered.
C   It presented a view that was in line with the attitudes of its time.
D   It took an innovative approach to the analysis of human psychology.

29   What does the writer suggest about the prehistoric era in the fourth paragraph?

A   Societies were more complex than many people believe.
B   Supplies of natural resources were probably relatively plentiful.
C   Most estimates about population sizes are likely to be inaccurate.
D   Humans moved across continents more than was previously thought.

30   The writer refers to Bruce Knauft's work as support for the idea that

A   selfishness is a relatively recent development in human societies.
B   only people in isolated communities can live in an unselfish manner.
C   very few lifestyles have survived unchanged since prehistoric times.
D   hunter-gatherer cultures worldwide are declining in number.

Questions 31-35

Complete the summary below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.

Contemporary hunter-gatherer societies

Bruce Knauft's research shows that contemporary hunter-gatherer societies tend to exhibit a high level of 31 ............................. in all areas of life. In these cultures, distributing resources fairly among all members is a moral obligation. These societies also employ strategies to prevent differences in 32 ............................. occurring: for example, the !Kung follow a custom whereby the credit for one person's success at 33 .......................... is given to another member of the group. Individuals who behave in a 34 .............................. manner are punished by being excluded from the group, and women have a considerable amount of 35 ............................. in choices regarding work and marriage.

Questions 36-40

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet, write

YES   if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO   if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN   if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

36   Some anthropologists are mistaken about the point when the number of societies such as the !Kung began to decline.
37   Humans who developed warlike traits in prehistory would have had an advantage over those who did not.
38   Being peaceful and cooperative is a natural way for people to behave.
39   Negative traits are more apparent in some modern cultures than in others.
40   Animal research has failed to reveal a link between changes in the environment and the emergence of aggressive tendencies.

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Passage 3 , Questions 27-40
27   C
28   C
29   B
30   A
31   egalitarianism
32   status
33   hunting
34   domineering
35   autonomy
37   NO
38   YES
40   NO