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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Working as a lifeboat volunteer - IELTS Cambridge 19 - Test 2 part 2

PART 2 Questions 11-20

Quetsions 11-16

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

Working as a lifeboat volunteer

11   What made David leave London and move to Northsea?

A   He was eager to develop a hobby.
B   He wanted to work shorter hours.
C   He found his job in website design unsatisfying.

12   The Lifeboat Institution in Northsea was built with money provided by

A   local organisation.
B   a local resident.
C   the local council.

13   In his health assessment, the doctor was concerned about the fact that David

A   might be colour blind.
B   was rather short-sighted.
C   had undergone eye surgery.

14   After arriving at the lifeboat station, they aim to launch the boat within

A   five minutes.
B   six to eight minutes.
C   eight and a half minutes.

15   As a 'helmsman', David has the responsibility of deciding

A   who will be the members of his crew.
B   what equipment it will be necessary to take.
C   if the lifeboat should be launched.

16   As well as going out on the lifeboat, David

A   gives talks on safety at sea.
B   helps with fundraising.
C   recruits new volunteers.

Quetsions 17-18

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does David say about the lifeboat volunteer training?

A   The residential course developed his leadership skills.
B   The training in use of ropes and knots was quite brief.
C   The training exercises have built up his mental strength.
D   The casualty care activities were particularly challenging for him.
E   The wave tank activities provided practice in survival techniques.

Quetsions 19-20

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does David find most motivating about the work he does?

A   working as part of a team
B   experiences when working in winter
C   being thanked by those he has helped
D   the fact that it keeps him fit
E   the chance to develop new equipment

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Part 2, Questions 11-20

11   A
12   B
13   A
14   B
15   C
16   A