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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 2 part 4 - IELTS Cambridge 15 - Agricultural programme in Mozambique


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Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Agricultural programme in Mozambique

How the programme was organised

  • It focused on a dry and arid region in Chicualacuala district, near the Limpopo River.
  • People depended on the forest to provide charcoal as a source of income.
  • 31 ................... was seen as the main priority to ensure the supply of water.
  • Most of the work organised by farmers' associations was done by 32 ................... .
  • Fenced areas were created to keep animals away from crops.
  • The programme provided
    • 33 ................... for the fences
    • 34 ................... for suitable crops
    • water pumps.
  • The farmers provided
    • labour
    • 35 ................... for the fences on their land.

Further developments

  • The marketing of produce was sometimes difficult due to lack of 36 ................... .
  • Training was therefore provided in methods of food 37 ................... .
  • Farmers made special places where 38 ................... could be kept.
  • Local people later suggested keeping 39 ................... .

Evaluation and lessons learned

  • Agricultural production increased, improving incomes and food security.
  • Enough time must be allowed, particularly for the 40 ................... phase of the programme.

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Part 4, Questions 31-40

  1. Irrigation
  2. women
  3. wire(s)
  4. seed(s)
  5. posts
  6. transport
  7. preservation
  8. fish(es)
  9. bees
  10. design