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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 1 passage 2 - IELTS Cambridge 15 - Driverless cars


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Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has seven sections, A-G.

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14   reference to the amount of time when a car is not in use
15   mention of several advantages of driverless vehicles for individual road-users
16   reference to the opportunity of choosing the most appropriate vehicle for each trip
17   an estimate of how long it will take to overcome a number of problems
18   a suggestion that the use of driverless cars may have no effect on the number of vehicles manufactured

Questions 19-22

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

The impact of driverless cars

Figures from the Transport Research Laboratory indicate that most motor accidents are partly due to 19 ______________________, so the introduction of driverless vehicles will result in greater safety. In addition to the direct benefits of automation, it may bring other advantages. For example, schemes for 20 ______________________ will be more workable, especially in towns and cities, resulting in fewer cars on the road.

According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, there could be a 43 percent drop in 21 ______________________ of cars. However, this would mean that the yearly 22 ______________________ of each car would, on average, be twice as high as it currently is. This would lead to a higher turnover of vehicles, and therefore no reduction in automotive manufacturing.

Questions 23 and 24

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 23 and 24 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO benefits of automated vehicles does the writer mention?

A   Car travellers could enjoy considerable cost savings.
B   It would be easier to find parking spaces in urban areas.
C   Travellers could spend journeys doing something other than driving.
D   People who find driving physically difficult could travel independently.
E   A reduction in the number of cars would mean a reduction in pollution.

Questions 25 and 26

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO challenges to automated vehicle development does the writer mention?

A   making sure the general public has confidence in automated vehicles
B   managing the pace of transition from conventional to automated vehicles
C   deciding how to compensate professional drivers who become redundant
D   setting up the infrastructure to make roads suitable for automated vehicles
E   getting automated vehicles to adapt to various different driving conditions

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Reading Passage 2, Questions 14-26

  1. C
  2. B
  3. E
  4. G
  5. D
  6. human error
  7. car (-) sharing
  8. ownership
  9. mileage

23 & 24. C/D (in either order)

25 & 26. A/E (in either order)