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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 3 section 1 - IELTS Cambridge 2 - Market research


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Questions 1-4

Circle the correct letters A-C.

  1. The respondent works in ...

    A. the professions.
    B. business.
    C. other.

  2. The respondent has a salary of ...

    A. £0-£15,000 a year.
    B. £15,000-£35,000 a year.
    C. over £35,000 a year.

  3. The respondent watches TV for ...

    A. relaxation.
    B. entertainment.
    C. information.

  4. Every day the respondent watches TV for ...

    A. 30 minutes-1 hour.
    B. 1 hour-2 hours.
    C. more than 2 hours.

Questions 5-7

Choose two letters A-E.

  1. The respondent mainly watches TV ...

    A. in the early morning.
    B. around midday.
    C. in the afternoon.
    D. in the early evening.
    E. at night.

  2. On the new channel, the respondent would like to see more ...

    A. children's programmes.
    B. documentaries.
    C. local service programmes.
    D. travel programmes.
    E. health programmes.

  3. The respondent would advise the new channel to ...

    A. spend more money on drama.
    B. train their broadcasters to higher standards.
    C. improve sound quality.
    D. broadcast interviews with famous people.
    E. talk more to customers.

Questions 8-10

Circle the correct letters A-C.

  1. The respondent feels that adverts should occur every ...

    A. 10 minutes.
    B. 15 minutes.
    C. 20 minutes.

  2. The respondent would like to attend special promotions if ...

    A. expenses are paid.
    B. he is invited specially.
    C. they are held locally.

  3. The respondent would like to receive ...

    A. no mail.
    B. requested mail.
    C. all mail.

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Section 1, Questions 1-10

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. AE (both required for one mark, either order)
  6. AC (both required for one mark, either order)
  7. CE (both required for one mark, either order)
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B