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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 2 section 2 - IELTS Cambridge 2 - Smith House


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Question 11

Circle the correct letter A-D.

Smith House was originally built as ...

A. a residential college.
B. a family house.
C. a university.
D. an office block.

Questions 12-14

Complete the explanation of the room number.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Room number:

Smith House

(12) ....................... wing
(13) .......................
personal (14) ................

Questions 15-17

Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  • Students need a front door key between (15) ............ AND ............ .
  • In an emergency, students should use (16) ............................ .
  • Fees also cover some (17) ............................ charges.

Questions 18-20

Complete the notice below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


  • No noise after 9 pm.
  • Smoking only allowed on (18) ............................
  • No changes can be made to (19) ............................
  • If you have any questions, ask the (20) ............................

Đáp án

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Section 2, Questions 11-20

  1. B
  2. north // N
  3. (2nd/second) floor (number)
  4. room (number)
  5. 8 pm (and 7 am)
  6. (the) fire/emergency doors
  7. laundry // washing
  8. (the) balconies ACCEPT balconies
  9. meal times
  10. (elected) floor senior(s)