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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 1 passage 3 - IELTS Cambridge 2 - Children's thinking


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Questions 28-35

Classify the following descriptions as referring

Clark Hull CH
Howard and Tracy Kendler HTK
Michael Cole and colleagues MC
Simon Hewson SH
Write the appropriate letters in boxes 28-35 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any answer more than once.

  1. ................. is cited as famous in the field of psychology.

  2. ................. demonstrated that the two-stage experiment involving button-pressing and inserting a marble into a hole poses problems for certain adults as well as children.

  3. ................. devised an experiment that investigated deductive reasoning without the use of any marbles.

  4. ................. appears to have proved that a change in the apparatus dramatically improves the performance of children of certain ages.

  5. ................. used a machine to measure inductive reasoning that replaced button-pressing with drawer-opening.*

  6. ................. experimented with things that the subjects might have been expected to encounter in everyday life, rather than with a machine.

  7. ................. compared the performance of five-year-olds with college students, using the same apparatus with both sets of subjects.

  8. ................. is cited as having demonstrated that earlier experiments into children's ability to reason deductively may have led to the wrong conclusions.

Questions 36-40

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet write

  • YES if the statement agrees with the information
  • NO if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage
  1. Howard and Tracey Kendler studied under Clark Hull.

  2. The Kendlers trained their subjects separately in the two stages of their experiment, but not in how to integrate the two actions.

  3. Michael Cole and his colleagues demonstrated that adult performance on inductive reasoning tasks depends on features of the apparatus and procedure.

  4. All Hewson's experiments used marbles of the same size.

  5. Hewson's modifications resulted in a higher success rate for children of all ages.

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Reading Passage 3, Questions 28-40

  1. CH
  2. MC
  3. MC
  4. SH
  5. SH
  6. MC
  7. HTK
  8. SH
  10. YES
  11. YES
  12. YES
  13. NO