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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 4 section 4 - IELTS Cambridge 13 - The history of Coffee


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Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The history of coffee

Coffee in the Arab world

  • There was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia.
  • 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine.
  • 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered the 31 ................................ of every coffee house.

Coffee arrives in Europe (17th century)

  • Coffee shops were compared to 32 ................................
  • They played an important part in social and 33 ................................ changes.

Coffee and European colonisation

  • European powers established coffee plantations in their colonies.
  • Types of coffee were often named according to the 34 .............................. they came from.
  • In Brazil and the Caribbean, most cultivation depended on 35 ..............................
  • In Java, coffee was used as a form of 36 .............................
  • Coffee became almost as important as 37 .............................
  • The move towards the consumption of 38 ............................. in Britain did not also take place in the USA.

Coffee in the 19th century

  • Prices dropped because of improvements in 39 .............................
  • Industrial workers found coffee helped them to work at 40 .............................

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Section 4, Questions 31-40

  1. destruction
  2. universities / university
  3. political
  4. port(s)
  5. slaves / slavery
  6. taxation
  7. sugar
  8. tea
  9. transportation
  10. night