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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 4 passage 1 - IELTS Cambridge 12 - The History of Glass


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Questions 1-8

Complete the notes below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.

The History of Glass

  • Early humans used a material called 1 ________________ to make the sharp points of their 2 ________________ .
  • 4000 BC: 3 ________________ made of stone were covered in a coating of man-made glass.
  • First century BC: glass was coloured because of the 4 ________________ in the material.
  • Until 476 AD: Only the 5 ________________ knew how to make glass.
  • From 10th century: Venetians became famous for making bottles out of glass.
  • 17th century: George Ravenscroft developed a process using 6 ________________ to avoid the occurrence of 7 ________________ in blown glass.
  • Mid-19th century: British glass production developed after changes to laws concerning 8 ________________ .

Questions 9-13

In boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
  1. In 1887, HM Ashley had the fastest bottle-producing machine that existed at the time.
  2. Michael Owens was hired by a large US company to design a fully-automated bottle manufacturing machine for them.
  3. Nowadays, most glass is produced by large international manufacturers.
  4. Concern for the environment is leading to an increased demand for glass containers.
  5. It is more expensive to produce recycled glass than to manufacture new glass.

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Reading Passage 1, Questions 1-13

  1. obsidian
  2. spears
  3. beads
  4. impurities
  5. Romans
  6. lead
  7. clouding
  8. taxes
  9. TRUE
  10. FALSE
  12. TRUE
  13. FALSE