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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 3 section 3 - IELTS Cambridge 12 - Stages in doing atourism case study


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Questions 21-26

Complete the flow-chart below.

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 21-26.

A patterns
B names
C sources
D questions
E employees
F solutions
G headings
H officials


Locate and read relevant articles, noting key information and also 21 ..................
Identify a problem or need

Select interviewees - these may be site 22 .................. , visitors or city 23 ..................

Prepare and carry out interviews. If possible, collect statistics.

Check whether 24 .................. of interviewees can be used

Select relevant information and try to identify 25 ..................

Decide on the best form of visuals

Give some background before writing the main sections

Do NOT end with 26 ..................

Questions 27-30

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

The Horton Castle site

27 Natalie and Dave agree one reason why so few people visit Horton Castle is that

  • A the publicity is poor.
  • B it is difficult to get to.
  • C there is little there of interest.

28 Natalie and Dave agree that the greatest problem with a visitor centre could be

  • A covering the investment costs.
  • B finding a big enough space for it.
  • C dealing with planning restrictions.

29 What does Dave say about conditions in the town of Horton?

  • A There is a lot of unemployment.
  • B There are few people of working age.
  • C There are opportunities for skilled workers.

30 According to Natalie, one way to prevent damage to the castle site would be to

  • A insist visitors have a guide.
  • B make visitors keep to the paths.
  • C limit visitor numbers.

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Section 3, Questions 21-30

  1. C
  2. E
  3. H
  4. B
  5. A
  6. F
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B