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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 3 passage 2 - IELTS Cambridge 6 - Motivating Employees under Adverse Conditions


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Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 contains six Key Points,

Choose the correct heading for Key Points TWO to SIX from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. Ensure the reward system is fair
ii. Match rewards to individuals
iii. Ensure targets are realistic
iv. Link rewards to achievement
v. Encourage managers to take more responsibility
vi. Recognize changes in employees' performance over time
vii. Establish targets and give feedback
viii. Ensure employees are suited to their jobs

  1. Key Point Two
  2. Key Point Three
  3. Key Point Four
  4. Key Point Five
  5. Key Point Six

Questions 19-24

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 19-24 on your answer sheet, write:

  • YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
  • NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
  • NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
  1. A shrinking organization tends to lose its less skilled employees rather than its more skilled employees.
  2. It is easier to manage a small business than a large business.
  3. High achievers are well suited to teamwork.
  4. Some employees can feel manipulated when asked to participate in goal-setting.
  5. The staff appraisal process should be designed by employees.
  6. Employees' earnings should be disclosed to everyone within the organization.

Questions 25-27

Look at the following groups of workers (Questions 25-27) and the list of descriptions below.

Match each group with the correct description, A-E.

Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 25-27 on your answer sheet.

25 high achievers
26 clerical workers
27 production workers

List of Descriptions

  • A They judge promotion to be important.
  • B They have less need of external goals.
  • C They think that the quality of their work is important.
  • D They resist goals which are imposed.
  • E They have limited job options.

Đáp án

Bấm để xem đáp án
  1. 7
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 4
  5. 1
  6. NO
  8. NO
  9. YES
  11. YES
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A