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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 4 passage 1 - IELTS Cambridge 5 - The Impact of Wilderness Tourism


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Questions 1-3

Reading Passage 1 has three sections, A-C.

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number i-vi in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. The expansion of international tourism in recent years
ii. How local communities can balance their own needs with the demands of wilderness tourism
iii. Fragile regions and the reasons for the expansion of tourism there
iv. Traditional methods of food-supply in fragile regions
v. Some of the disruptive effects of wilderness tourism
vi. The economic benefits of mass tourism

  1. Section A
  2. Section B
  3. Section C

Questions 4-9

Do the following statements reflect the opinion of the writer of Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 4-9 on your answer sheet, write:

  • YES if the statement reflects the opinion of the writer
  • NO if the statement contradicts the opinion of the writer
  • NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
  1. The low financial cost of setting up wilderness tourism makes it attractive to many countries.

  2. Deserts, mountains, and Arctic regions are examples of environments that are both ecologically and culturally fragile.

  3. Wilderness tourism operates throughout the year in fragile areas.

  4. The spread of tourism in certain hill regions has resulted in a fall in the amount of food produced locally.

  5. Traditional food-gathering in desert societies was distributed evenly over the year.

  6. Government handouts do more damage than tourism does to traditional patterns of food-gathering.

Questions 10-13

Complete the table below.

Choose ONE WORD from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

The positive ways in which some local communities have responded to tourism

Swiss Pays d'EnhautRevived production of 10 ...........
Arctic communitiesOperate 11 ............... businesses
Acoma and San IldefonsoProduce and sell 12 .................
Navajo and HopiProduce and sell 13 .................

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Reading Passage 1, Questions 1-13

  1. iii
  2. v
  3. ii
  4. YES
  5. YES
  6. NO
  7. YES
  8. NO
  10. cheese
  11. tourism/tourist/tour
  12. pottery
  13. jewellery/jewelry