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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 2 section 4 - IELTS Cambridge 4 - Corporate crime


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Questions 31 and 32

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

  1. Corporate crime is generally committed
  • A. against individuals.
  • B. by groups.
  • C. for companies.
  1. Corporate crime does NOT include
  • A. employees stealing from their company.
  • B. unintentional crime by employees.
  • C. fraud resulting from company policy.

Questions 33-38

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Corporate crime has been ignored by:

a) the 33 …………………………………… e.g. films
b) 34 ……………………………………


a) often more complex, and needing 35 ……………………………………
b) less human interest than conventional crime
c) victims often 36 ……………………………………


a) Economic costs

  • may appear unimportant to 37 ……………………………………
  • can make large 38 …………………………………… for company
  • cause more losses to individuals than conventional crimes

b) Social costs

  • make people lose trust in business world
  • affect poorer people most

Questions 39 and 40

Choose TWO letters A-F.

The oil tanker explosion was an example of a crime which:

  • A. was no-one's fault.
  • B. was not a corporate crime.
  • C. was intentional.
  • D. was caused by indifference.
  • E. had tragic results.
  • F. made a large profit for the company.

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Section 4, Questions 31-40

  1. C
  2. A
  3. mass media / media
  4. academic circles / academics / researchers
  5. specialist knowledge / specialised knowledge
  6. unaware
  7. individual customers / individual consumers / individuals
  8. illegal profit / illegal profits


  • D
  • I