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Test 4 part 2

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PART 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11 and 12.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11   The museum building was originally

A   a factory.
B   a private home.
C   a hall of residence.

12   The university uses part of the museum building as

A   teaching rooms.
B   a research library.
C   administration offices.

13   What does the guide say about the entrance fee?

A   Visitors decide whether or not they wish to pay.
B   Only children and students receive a discount.
C   The museum charges extra for special exhibitions.

14   What are visitors advised to leave in the cloakroom?

A   cameras.
B   coats.
C   bags.

Questions 15-20

What information does the speaker give about each of the following areas of the museum?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 15-20

AParents must supervise their children.
BThere are new things to see.
CIt is closed today.
DThis is only for school groups.
EThere is a quiz for visitors.
FIt features something created by students.
GAn expert is here today.
HThere is a one-way system.

    Areas of museum
15   Four Seasons ..........................
16   Farmhouse Kitchen ..........................
17   A Year on the Farm ..........................
18   Wagon Walk ..........................
19   Bees are Magic ..........................
20   The Pond ..........................

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Part 2, Questions 11-20

11   B
12   A
13   A
14   C
15   F
16   G
17   E
18   A
19   C
20   B