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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 4 section 3 - IELTS Cambridge 16 - History of women's football in Britain


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Questions 28-31

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 28-31 on your answer sheet.

28   In the first paragraph, the writer says that in 18th-century Scotland
A   only unmarried women were allowed to play football.
B   women's football was more common than men's football.
C   women were sometimes forbidden to watch football matches.
D   skill at football might be considered when choosing a wife.

29   The writer says that Nettie J Honeyball was unwilling to
A   take an active part in team sports.
B   mix with people she considered lower class.
C   let the public know of her involvement in football.
D   take a leadership role in the British Ladies' Football Club.

30   The writer suggests that in Britain, between 1895 and 1914,
A   society was not yet ready for women's football.
B   there were false reports of the decline of women's football.
C   the media felt that women's football should not be allowed.
D   women's football mainly attracted people because it was unusual.

31   After the First World War broke out in 1914, factory managers
A   were initially unwilling to employ women.
B   played in matches against female employees.
C   allowed extra time for their employees to play football.
D   decided that women's football might have positive effects.

Questions 32-37

Look at the following statements (Questions 32-37) and the list of football organisations below.

Match each statement with the correct organisation, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 32-37 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

32   It felt threatened by the rise of women's football.
33   It was established by a male office worker.
34   It donated money from football matches to good causes.
35   It called for the ending of the ban on women's football in Britain.
36   It was accused of being old-fashioned.
37   It was led by a believer in women's rights.

List of Football Organisations

A   the British Ladies' Football Club (BLFC)
B   the Dick, Kerr's Ladies team
C   the Football Association (FA)
D   the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)

Questions 38-40

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text on pages 90 and 91 for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

A catastrophic year for women's football

At the end of 1921, women's football teams were forbidden to use the 38 ______________________ of the Football Association, and were not allowed to have Football Association members as 39 ______________________. The FA said that women's clubs did not give enough to charity, and that there had been mismanagement of funds. Female workers accused the FA of 40 ______________________ against women, but the ban continued until 1971.

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Reading Section 3, Questions 28-40

28   D
29   C
30   A
31   D
32   C
33   B
34   A
35   D
36   C
37   A
38   grounds
39   referees
40   prejudice