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Read the text on pages 25 and 26 and answer Questions 28-40.

Questions 28-34

The text on pages 25 and 26 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i   A time when opportunities were limited
ii   The reasons why Ferrando's product is needed
iii   A no-risk solution
iv   Two inventions and some physical details
v   The contrasting views of different generations
vi   A disturbing experience
vii   The problems with replacing a consumer item
viii   Looking back at why water was bottled

28   Paragraph A ............
29   Paragraph B ............
30   Paragraph C ............
31   Paragraph D ............
32   Paragraph E ............
33   Paragraph F ............
34   Paragraph G ............

Questions 35-37

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet.

35   What does Ferrando say about his glass water bottle?
A   It matches his bicycle helmet.
B   It is cheaper than a plastic bottle.
C   He has designed it to suit all ages.
D   He wants people to be proud to show it.

36   What does the writer find fascinating about Ferrando's story?
A   the youthfulness of his ideas
B   the old-fashioned nature of his products
C   the choice it is creating for consumers
D   the change it is revealing in people's attitudes

37   What does the writer suggest about Closca's bike helmet?
A   It has both functional and artistic value.
B   Its main appeal is to older people.
C   It has had extraordinary success worldwide.
D   It is a more exciting invention than the glass bottle.

Questions 38-40

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text on pages 25 and 26 for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

Funding a smart invention

Thirty years ago, the methods used by creators to fund their projects involved getting money from the bank or from someone in the 38 ............................ . Banks today are still a useful source of finance, but investments may also be sought from 'corporate social responsibility' projects.

In order to get immediate funding, the method Ferrando took was to use a well-known 39 ............................ to advertise his product and request financial support. People who gave a certain figure or over were offered a free gift. In addition, Ferrando advised his donors that his company would create bottles in two colours, followed by a 40 ............................ bottle once they had received a more significant amount. In this way, Ferrando avoided debt and found out how many people might want his products before manufacturing them.

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Reading Section 3, Questions 28-40

28   vi
29   iv
30   ii
31   viii
32   v
33   i
34   iii
35   D
36   D
37   A
38   family
39   platform
40   multi(-)coloured / multi(-)colored