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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 4 section 4 - IELTS Cambridge 14 - The hunt for sunken settlements and ancient shipwrecks


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Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The hunt for sunken settlements and ancient shipwrecks


  • was a village on the coast of eastern Mediterranean
  • thrived until about 7,000 BC
  • stone homes had a courtyard
  • had a semicircle of large stones round a 31. ________________
  • cause of destruction unknown - now under the sea
  • biggest settlement from the prehistoric period found on the seabed
  • research carried out into structures, 32. ________________ and human remains


  • used in the oil industry, e.g. to make 33. ________________
  • problems: they were expensive and 34. ________________


  • much easier to use, relatively cheap, sophisticated


  • Marzamemi, Sicily: found ancient Roman ships carrying architectural elements made of 35. ________________

Underwater internet:

  • 36. ________________ is used for short-distance communication, acoustic waves for long-distance
  • plans for communication with researchers by satellite
  • AUV can send data to another AUV that has better 37. ________________, for example

Planned research in Gulf of Baratti:

  • to find out more about wrecks of ancient Roman ships, including
    • one carrying 38. ________________ supplies; tablets may have been used for cleaning the 39. ________________
    • others carrying containers of olive oil or 40. ________________

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Section 4, Questions 31-40

  1. spring
  2. tools
  3. maps
  4. heavy
  5. marble
  6. light
  7. camera(s)
  8. medical
  9. eyes
  10. wine