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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 2 section 4 - IELTS Cambridge 7 - Left and Right Handedness in Sport


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Questions 31-35

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Left and Right Handedness in Sport

  1. Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realised
    A. how it would help her difficulties with left-handedness.
    B. the relevance of connections he made with music.
    C. the impressive size of his research project.

  2. Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in
    A. helping sportspeople identify their weaknesses.
    B. aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game.
    C. developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople.

  3. Anita feels that most sports coaches
    A. know nothing about the influence of handedness.
    B. focus on the wrong aspects of performance.
    C. underestimate what science has to offer sport.

  4. A German study showed there was greater 'mixed handedness' in musicians who
    A. started playing instruments in early youth.
    B. play a string instrument such as the violin.
    C. practise a great deal on their instrument.

  5. Studies on ape behaviour show that
    A. apes which always use the same hand to get food are most successful.
    B. apes have the same proportion of left- and right-handers as humans.
    C. more apes are left-handed than right-handed.

Questions 36-40

Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

SportBest lateralityComments
Hockeymixed laterality• hockey stick has to be used in 36 _________________
• mixed-handed players found to be much more 37 _________________ than others
Tennissingle laterality• gives a larger relevant field of 38 _________________
• cross-lateral players make 39 _________________ too late
Gymnasticscross laterality• gymnasts' 40 _________________ is important for performances

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Section 4, Questions 31-40

  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. 2 directions
  7. confident
  8. vision
  9. corrections
  10. balance