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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 2 passage 2 - IELTS Cambridge 3 - Environmental Management


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Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has six sections A-F.

Choose the most suitable headings for sections A-D and F from the list of headings below.

Write the appropriate numbers i-ix in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. The probable effects of the new international trade agreement
ii. The environmental impact of modern farming
iii. Farming and soil erosion
iv. The effects of government policy in rich countries
v. Governments and management of the environment
vi. The effects of government policy in poor countries
vii. Farming and food output
viii. The effects of government policy on food output
ix. The new prospects for world trade

  1. Section A
  2. Section B
  3. Section C
  4. Section D
  5. Section F

Questions 19-22

Complete the table below using the information in sections B and C of Reading Passage 2.

Choose your answers A-G from the box below the table and write them in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

Agricultural practiceEnvironmental damage that may result
19• Deforestation
20• Degraded water supply
More intensive farming21
Expansion of monoculture22


A. Abandonment of fallow period
B. Disappearance of old plant varieties
C. Increased use of chemical inputs
D. Increased irrigation
E. Insurance against pests and diseases
F. Soil erosion
G. Clearing land for cultivation

Questions 23-27

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 23-27 on your answer sheet.

  1. Research completed in 1982 found that in the United States soil erosion
    A. reduced the productivity of farmland by 20 per cent.
    B. was almost as severe as in India and China.
    C. was causing significant damage to 20 per cent of farmland.
    D. could be reduced by converting cultivated land to meadow or forest.

  2. By the mid-1980s, farmers in Denmark
    A. used 50 per cent less fertiliser than Dutch farmers.
    B. used twice as much fertiliser as they had in 1960.
    C. applied fertiliser much more frequently than in 1960.
    D. more than doubled the amount of pesticide they used in just 3 years.

  3. Which one of the following increased in New Zealand after 1984?
    A. farm incomes
    B. use of fertiliser
    C. over-stocking
    D. farm diversification

  4. The writer refers to some rich countries as being 'less enlightened' than New Zealand because
    A. they disapprove of paying farmers for not cultivating the land.
    B. their new fuel crops are as harmful as the ones they have replaced.
    C. their policies do not recognise the long-term benefit of ending subsidies.
    D. they have not encouraged their farmers to follow environmentally friendly practices.

  5. The writer believes that the Uruguay Round agreements on trade will
    A. encourage more sustainable farming practices in the long term.
    B. do more harm than good to the international environment.
    C. increase pressure to cultivate land in the rich countries.
    D. be more beneficial to rich than to poor countries.

Question 28

From the list below choose the most suitable title for Reading Passage 2.

Write the appropriate letter A-E in box 28 on your answer sheet.

A. Environmental management
B. Increasing the world's food supply
C. Soil erosion
D. Fertilisers and pesticides - the way forward
E. Farm subsidies

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Reading Passage 2, Questions 14-28

  1. v // Governments and management of the environment
  2. vii // Farming and food output
  3. ii // The environmental impact of modern farming
  4. iv // The effects of government policy in rich countries
  5. i // The probable effects of the new international trade agreement
  6. G // Clearing land for cultivation
  7. C // Increased use of chemical inputs
  8. F // Soil erosion
  9. B // Disappearance of old plant varieties
  10. C // was causing significant damage to 20 per cent of farmland
  11. B // used twice as much fertiliser as they had in 1960
  12. D // farm diversification
  13. C // their policies do not recognise the long-term benefit of ending subsidies
  14. A // encourage more sustainable farming practices in the long term
  15. A // Environmental management