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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 1 section 2 - IELTS Cambridge 13 - Appendix - Dealing with absence in the workplace


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Questions 21-27

Complete the notes below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.

Absence in the workplace

Employees' rights

  • help with issues related to disabilities, e.g. provision of a suitable 21 ...............................
  • provision of arrangements to deal with any work-related 22 ...............................
  • time off work to deal with short-term problems of 23 ...............................
  • possibility of arrangements that are 24 ............................... to help with domestic responsibilities

Recommendations to employers

  • make it clear that absence is a possible reason for 25 ...............................
  • ask employees for consent before contacting their 26 ...............................
  • identify employees affected by 27 ............................... and provide support

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Reading Section 2, Questions 21-27

  1. chair
  2. allergy
  3. dependants
  4. flexible
  5. dismissal
  6. doctor
  7. stress