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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài nghe Test 1 section 3 - IELTS Cambridge 1 - Economics office


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Questions 22-25

Circle the appropriate letter.

  1. The orientation meeting
  • A: took place recently.
  • B: took place last term.
  • C: will take place tomorrow.
  • D: will take place next week.
  1. Attendance at lectures is
  • A: optional after 4 pm.
  • B: closely monitored.
  • C: difficult to enforce.
  • D: sometimes unnecessary.
  1. Tutorials take place
  • A: every morning.
  • B: twice a week.
  • C: three mornings a week.
  • D: three afternoons a week.
  1. The lecturer's name is
  • A: Roberts.
  • B: Rawson.
  • C: Rogers.
  • D: Robertson.

Questions 26-31

Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

Course requirements:

Tutorial paper:

  • A piece of work on a given topic. Students must:
    • (26) .......................... for 25 minutes
    • (27) ..........................
    • give to lecturer for marking

Essay topic:

  • Usually (28) ......................

Type of exam:

  • (29) ..............................


  • Important books are in (30) ............................. .

Focus of course:

  • Focus on (31) ........................

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Section 3

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. talk//give a talk
  6. write up work
  7. can choose
  8. open book
  9. closed reserve
  10. vocational (subjects)//(preparing for) work/employment