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Câu hỏi và đáp án bài Reading Test 4 section 3 - IELTS Cambridge 15 - Animals can tell right from wrong


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Questions 28-32

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.

Complex social behaviour in wolf packs

Wolves live in packs and it is clear that there are a number of 28 __________ concerning their behaviour. Some observers believe they exhibit a sense of 29 __________. The stronger, more senior wolves seem to adopt the roles of the junior wolves when they are playing together. They act as if they are 30 __________ to the juniors and even permit some gentle 31 __________. What is even more surprising is that when one of the juniors gets too forceful, it bends down begging for 32 __________. Only when that has been granted will the wolves continue playing.

Questions 33-37

Look at the following animals (Questions 33-37) and the list of descriptions below.

Match each animal with the correct description, A-G.

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 33-37 on your answer sheet.

  1. coyotes

  2. domestic dogs

  3. elephants

  4. Diana monkeys

  5. rats

List of Descriptions

A. often attack peers who fail to follow the moral code

B. appear to enjoy playing with members of a different species

C. sometimes share treats with a peer

D. may assist a peer who is failing to complete a task

E. may be driven away by their peers if they do not obey the moral code

F. seem unwilling to benefit from something that hurts their peers

G. may help a different type of animal which is in difficulty

Questions 38-40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

  1. What view is expressed by Professor de Waal?
  • A. Apes have advanced ideas about the difference between good and evil.
  • B. The social manners of some animals prove that they are highly moral.
  • C. Some human moral beliefs developed from our animal ancestors.
  • D. The desire to live in peace with others is a purely human quality.
  1. Why does Professor Bekoff mention the experiment on Diana monkeys?
  • A. It shows that this species of monkey is not very easy to train.
  • B. It confirms his view on the value of research into certain monkeys.
  • C. It proves that female monkeys are generally less intelligent than males.
  • D. It illustrates a point he wants to make about monkeys and other creatures.
  1. What does the writer find most surprising about chimpanzees?
  • A. They can suffer from some of the same illnesses as humans.
  • B. They appear to treat disabled peers with consideration.
  • C. They have sets of social conventions that they follow.
  • D. The males can be quite destructive at times.

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Reading Section 3, Questions 28-40

  1. rules
  2. fairness
  3. submissive
  4. biting
  5. forgiveness
  6. E
  7. C
  8. G
  9. D
  10. F
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B